Thursday, June 16, 2016

Doing Great

The boys had labs, doctors visit and chemo today.  Their labs results look great, so great that they can resume normal activity.  For the next ten days we will be enjoying all the normal things like going to church, eating out, going to the movies, etc.

Sorry for the lack of blog post updates, I have so much to say but as soon as I sit down at the computer words escape me.  I know when the time is right the words will flow.

Once again thank you for all the love and support you have poured onto us.

Zane enjoying the trampoline.  

"Look Mommy, my friends came to visit and they brought me a dog."

Zac helping clean the pool.

Zane telling me the water was too cold (It was 80 degrees)

"Mommy can you put these clips and bows in my hair?"

Zane reading a book to Zac and Zoe

Zoe playing in the sprinkler  

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