Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm walking in a spider web

I'm not a huge fan of spiders but when I came across this guy I just had to take a picture.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dutch, Gypsy, and Poco

I don't have a lot of pictures from our visit from Kansas since it rained all day on Saturday. On Sunday I was able to go outside for a few pictures. Since it was muddy, wet, windy, and cold I stayed pretty close to the house.

Dutch the Belgian horse. He is the one who pulls us around on a 1890's wagon.

Dutch, Gypsy, and Poco hanging out after the storms.

Maddox just cracks me up. He would sprint for about 100 yards and right when he got close to the pen he would start to bark at the horses. I'm pretty sure Maggie (the black pup) was thinking Mad Maddox is a dork. He is a dork but we love him anyways.

Good thing for Maddox he couldn't figure out how to get into the pen. According to the Bobs' he did join the goats for a little while earlier in the morning.

The River

Bob and I love going to visit his dad and Rachel in Kansas. It is so pretty and peaceful out there. It is great to be able to look out the window and only see the beauty of the land and animals. One of our favorite things to do is walk along the river. On Monday I woke up early to see if I could capture the sunrise and ended up taking a few pictures of the river instead.

What do you mean my socks don't match?

Poor Bob - he must have had a long day. I think the picture speaks for itself...

Poor guy went to Starbucks like this...

....Maddox Drools

Life with Maddox so far has been an adventure. He is a sweet boy who loves to chew on things. Here are a few pictures after he dug in the flower pot looking for his bone.

Camouflage puppy style.

He helped by licking off some of the dirt.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mia Rules....

Mia definitely rules and here is the proof. During the sping when we were in Kansas we took Mia swimming in the river. She had a blast but on the way back to the truck we noticed she was limping. So out of concern for Mia's health Bob and his dad took turns carrying her on a ½ mile hike back to the truck. Keep in mind Mia weighs 80+ pounds. Once we got within 100 feet of the Denali Bob’s dad put her down and she pranced to the car. Then looked back at us like we were taking too long. I wish I had a picture of Bob and Bob's faces. They just looked at her like she had sprouted another head.

I love this picture. She has her arms wrapped around Bob's neck.

Mia being carried by Bob.

Bob's dad (Bob) flung her over his shoulder and carried her like a sack of potatoes!

Monday, February 25, 2008

More Flowers

The first two pictures are pictures I took at work on Valentine's Day. I wanted to take more but I was a little busy that day. The last picture is from MN the last time I was there.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Kansas seems to have the best sunrises and sunsets. Here are just a few (and I mean a few) pictures that I have.

The sunrise!

Sunset - I think I am going to enlarge this one!

Same sunset just a different angle.

Mad Maddox

Here are a few pictures of Maddox Cannonball.

I love this picture of Maddox. It looks like he is up to no good!
Maddox's favorite place to be. He loves to scale the retaining wall and check in on all the other dogs in the neighborhood. The neighbor kids like to see him up there.

Bob standing in front of the retaining wall just to give you an idea of how high it is. (Bob is 6'6")

**After I published this post I decided to take the pups for a walk. On the way home some of the neighbors were outside and greeted Maddox with a "hey buddy we have not seen you in a while." They wanted to know how he was trained not to climb the wall. He's not, he now has the privledge of being attached to a 20 foot leash everytime he goes outside.

The climbing the wall does not scare me it is the jumping down from the wall that scares me. And the fact that there is a school just on the other side of the chain link fence. It still boggles my mind that he can scale an eight foot wall but has not figured out that he can jump over a three foot fence.**

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Conversations with God - Part 3

In our third class we learned the practical aspects of prayer.

Freedom to say whatever we want to God. We have no barriers with God. He wants total honesty from us. We shouldn't pray how we think we should feel but how we really feel. In the bible God shows us the freedom we have with prayer. God designed us to open with him.

Freedom to be who we are in prayer. Many try to go against their grain in prayer. You can see the personalities in the Gospels, they are all different. We need to pray how God has wired us. Spiritual maturity also determines how we pray. New believers are going to pray different than somebody who has been a believer for decades.

Freedom to be creative. We can use drawings, singing, poetry or whatever other talents we may have to pray and worship. We can use various methods to pray. Such as journaling, PRAY (Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield), or popcorn prayers. The important thing is consistency and not to let any of these things restrict you. If you start to find that something is no longer working for you then try something else.

We also learned that scripture and prayer go hand in hand. Scripture is from God ask Him to help you understand His word. Claim the promises found in scripture. We attract God's interest and he wants us to be open and honest with Him.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mama Mia

How do you describe Mia? Princess, puppy CEO, stubborn, super smart, and very loveable are just a few words that pop into my head.

How can you not love this face? Here she is hanging out in the truck.

Chilin on the patio at Starbucks. It is one of her favorite places to go. Yes, she knows what Starbucks is and she is determined to get inside of the store. She lays down in between the door and the walkway, a very strategic little girl.

Walking on the river bed. She loves to go swimming.

How do I get a spa day? By rolling around in the mud!

Dr. Pepper addict.

Mia loves her white mocha frapps - just like her Marty.

Hummer Happening

Last St. Patrick's Day Bob took me the Hummer Happening at Frank Kent. We met at the dealership and then went to the offroad course. When we got to the course we had the best dressed Hummer competition and then we went through the off-road course. By the time we left I was sold and ended up buying a H3 in August.

The 1st place best dressed Hummer.

They had this Hummer parked on the creek bed before the event started.

The view from our Hummer as we were going down a steep hill. Bob and I later tried to walk down this hill and ended up slipping a couple of times.

When we got to this part of the course I honestly thought that they broke their Hummer. Once the Hummer popped out of the hole I was hooked.

This was the last picture I took before my camera battery died.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Conversations with God - Part 2

In week two of our class we tackled some questions that just can’t be answered. Such as how does prayer work, does prayer affect me and does prayer change the world around me? Really there are no answers to these questions. Our beliefs about prayer determine how we pray. We know God works through the natural, the miraculous (Ephesians 6:18), and the spiritual realm (Daniel chapter 10). Basically God wants me to pray, something happens to me when I pray and mysteriousness is not a bad thing.

I wish I would have taken better notes but I spent most of the time listening to Dan talk. We talked about a lot of stuff but I am having a difficult time putting it into words.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pictures Galore

Since Friday I have been trying to find a picture of Bob and I so I can sent it to a friend of mine and realized a couple of things. First, I do not have a picture of the two of us together from the past year. Second, I have way too many pictures saved on my computer and I need to organize and save them to a CD. Third, I have more pictures of Mia the pup than anything else.

Here are some more pictures that I have taken in the past year. I will being a post on Mia and Maddox pretty soon and hopefully I can get a picture of Bob and I together pretty soon. I guess that means I am going to have to trust somebody with my camera.

My cousin Ryan running to his position.

My cousin Rachel.

Mia's Toys.

My sister Terry.

Part of a hollow tree trunk.

The river bed in Kansas.

The thing that holds grain - not sure what it is called.

Tickets from CEC.

Not sure what this is but it is used on a farm.

Nuts and bolts from a train.

Chain links that were hanging from a tractor.

New Trick

A while back I read in a photgraphy magazine if you are going to take pictures of flowers to
put construction paper behind flowers to enhance them. I was able to try this out at work with my old digital camera the other day. I wan't too found of the green background but I really like the blue background.

Tomorrow I am going to take my SLR to work and we shall see what kind of pictures I get.