Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dutch, Gypsy, and Poco

I don't have a lot of pictures from our visit from Kansas since it rained all day on Saturday. On Sunday I was able to go outside for a few pictures. Since it was muddy, wet, windy, and cold I stayed pretty close to the house.

Dutch the Belgian horse. He is the one who pulls us around on a 1890's wagon.

Dutch, Gypsy, and Poco hanging out after the storms.

Maddox just cracks me up. He would sprint for about 100 yards and right when he got close to the pen he would start to bark at the horses. I'm pretty sure Maggie (the black pup) was thinking Mad Maddox is a dork. He is a dork but we love him anyways.

Good thing for Maddox he couldn't figure out how to get into the pen. According to the Bobs' he did join the goats for a little while earlier in the morning.

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