Friday, March 28, 2008

R and R

No not rest and relaxation but Rachel and Ryan. Rachel is the reason I ended up in the DFW area. I honestly do not know where I would be today if I did not receive the phone call from Becky asking if I could come out to help a month after Rachel was born. Rachel is such a sweet and caring girl. Ryan was born the following June. He is a lovable little boy with a ton of athletic talent. I am so grateful that Becky and Richard have always had an open door. They moved from TX to MN three years ago and I still miss not being able to drop by the house. Well I can still drop by I just have to travel 1000 miles to get there. :)

I can't wait to see them this summer. Here are some pictures from a couple of my visits.

Look at each other.

Now look at me. (I had to bribe Ryno with a dollar in order to take these pictures on the bridge.)

This is becoming a tradition when we go out there.

Rachel ate all of the chocolate for the smores so all that was left were marshmallows.

A mouthful.

Inning over.

The look of concern. (She was looking at one of the girls on her team that was injured.)

Throw it over there.

Waiting for the ball to be hit his way.

I love the look on his face as he approaches home base.


It still boggles my mind that my brother is a father to such a wonderful little girl. He is doing such an awesome job with her. She is so full of life and so wise beyond her years. She is a true treasure and I am so blessed to have her in my life.

Here are a few of my favorite stories of Becca.

Becca' version of the Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
My Kingdom come.
My Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven......

At her Christmas pageant:
As the kids were doing the final bow Becca grabbed the microphone and gave her Academy Awards speech. “I want to thank my daddy. Hi daddy. And my Nana. Hi Nana. And my grandpa. Hi grandpa. And my grandma. Hi grandma.” At this point the teacher is trying to get the mike. Becca moved the microphone to the side but you could still hear her say “I’m not done yet.” She continued to say a few more things but you could not hear them due to the laughter from the crowd.

At Grandpa Cuellar’s funeral they asked if anybody would like to get up and say a few words. Becca walked up to the microphone and said “He was a Godly man. This is the day the Lord gave us and it is going to be perfect.” Really put the day back into perspective.

Becca: Bob your growing hair. (She is inspecting his neck and head.)
Bob: Really? Where?
Becca: Everywhere but your head.

At the Ft. Worth Zoo

Ready for bed.

Becca at the Cattlemen's.

My favorite picture.

Look at those eyes.

Is He A Giant?

A while ago I was babysitting for synergy and Kristen wanted to know where Bob was at. I told her he couldn't make and the other little girl asked Kristen "Is he a giant?" Kristen looked at the little girl with a "how did you know look" and responded with a drawn out "YES."

When we went to visit family in MN the kids really made Bob look like a giant.

Rachel and Ryan with their favorite Giant.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dress Up Time

He loves his cape (part of a pillowcase that he ate). He struts around the house with it on and cries when you take it off.

I bought the kids socks for St. Patrick's Day with the intent of taking a cute picture of the two of them. Mia wanted nothing to do with the socks so hers went onto Maddox's hind legs. I really wish I would have recorded the first time he walked in them. He was prancing throughout the house. He looked like a little Irish dancer. Bob, my dad, my sister, and I could not stop laughing.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Run Mia Run

This pics are just for Bob. He has been wanting me post these pictures since I started blogging.

These are some of the very 1st pictures I took with my "new" camera. I was testing out the sports mode and had Mia run to me.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Starbucks Anyone?

The pups love going to Strabucks. They get lots of love from everybody but this past weekend they also got a special treat. Whip cream in a cup.

Mia got the first turn with the whip cream.

Maddox's turn.

Maddox waiting his turn.

Don't I get another turn? - Maddox

Both pups sharing the cup.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This past weekend at church Tianne Moon asked us to reflect on where we have come from. I am in complete awe of where God has led me. I can remember back in college my friend Jennifer praying that God would make her cavity go away and I said you can’t pray for that. How little I knew back then. I had put God in a box and didn’t even know it. A few years ago it was announced my building was closing and all of us would be laid off. I had the calmest peace. I was not worried I knew God would provide. I didn’t know how he would provide but He did. A few weeks ago at work somebody turned to me and said “I wish I had your faith.” Wow what a complement. I’m not perfect and I am a sinner but the grace of the Lord covers me. My faith did not appear overnight but I have learned it is so much better to turn it over to God and let him handle things than for me to handle them. That doesn’t mean I just sit here and do nothing but I keep myself open to where God is leading me. Currently I am feeling led in a direction that scares me. But I remember seeing a hand written post it in one of the office cubes at FC that said “If God tells you to do something and you’re afraid. Do it afraid.” I have absolute trust in the Lord. I know He never promised I would be happy but that I would be content. I am content with my life because He has given me everything in it. He has placed people in my path that will help me grow. He has given me more things than I have ever dreamed about. He has given me a peace that is past all understanding. I now know God can cure that cavity and have learned to pray about everything and worry about nothing. Two verses that I repeat to myself are: Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Luke 12:25) and Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Country Life

You know you're in the country when you can shoot clay pigeons in your backyard.

Skeet shooting machine (thing don't really know what it is called)

Empty shotgun shell.

Machine that will pack shotgun shells.

Bag of shotgun shells.

Bob hitting one of the clay pigeons.

Random Pictures From Marty's Place

Here are some more pictures from Marty's place.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Some cows and a horse

Marty drove us to a dairy farm which is where the first two pictures were taken. The last two are from Marty's house.

Watering Hole

Bob and I went to visit with Marty and Loraine this weekend. Marty showed us this "watering hole" where the locals go for picnics and swimming.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pictures from Kansas

Just a few random pictures that I have taken from various visits to Kansas.