Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wii fun

Saturday Bob and I had the privilege of watching Michael and James. These boys are some of the greatest kids I know. The night included a Tiger Woods Wii rematch between Bob and James and some football discussion over pizza. Some of the things they said were just priceless. Here are some quotes from the evening:

“Let’s just say I won.” – James to Bob after a disagreement on who won the last time.
“Pretty soon we will see who the master golfer is. His name is Bob.” – Bob to James
“His name is J-A-M-E-S.” – James response
“Guess who’s in the lead? M-E” – James during the first hole
“I’m making the crowd go wild.” – James on the second hole
“I mean a single tap will do it.” – James to Bob while Bob was getting ready to putt.
“No, he has a lot of friends with older siblings so he must have picked it up from them.” - Michael responding to Bob asking him if he taught James how to trash talk.
“Never heard of them they must be a small team.” – Michael on Nebraska football. (Bob’s face was priceless I need to start carrying my camera with me.)

It was a fun evening and the boys are so much fun. Michael is a very serious little man and James is in his own little world. The boys only got a few holes and Bob was up two strokes on James. Maybe the next time we can play a little longer so we can see who the real master golfer is.

1 comment:

e fowler said...

funny, funny, funny!!
elizabeth :)