Tuesday, March 18, 2008


This past weekend at church Tianne Moon asked us to reflect on where we have come from. I am in complete awe of where God has led me. I can remember back in college my friend Jennifer praying that God would make her cavity go away and I said you can’t pray for that. How little I knew back then. I had put God in a box and didn’t even know it. A few years ago it was announced my building was closing and all of us would be laid off. I had the calmest peace. I was not worried I knew God would provide. I didn’t know how he would provide but He did. A few weeks ago at work somebody turned to me and said “I wish I had your faith.” Wow what a complement. I’m not perfect and I am a sinner but the grace of the Lord covers me. My faith did not appear overnight but I have learned it is so much better to turn it over to God and let him handle things than for me to handle them. That doesn’t mean I just sit here and do nothing but I keep myself open to where God is leading me. Currently I am feeling led in a direction that scares me. But I remember seeing a hand written post it in one of the office cubes at FC that said “If God tells you to do something and you’re afraid. Do it afraid.” I have absolute trust in the Lord. I know He never promised I would be happy but that I would be content. I am content with my life because He has given me everything in it. He has placed people in my path that will help me grow. He has given me more things than I have ever dreamed about. He has given me a peace that is past all understanding. I now know God can cure that cavity and have learned to pray about everything and worry about nothing. Two verses that I repeat to myself are: Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Luke 12:25) and Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

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