Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mad Maddox

Here are a few pictures of Maddox Cannonball.

I love this picture of Maddox. It looks like he is up to no good!
Maddox's favorite place to be. He loves to scale the retaining wall and check in on all the other dogs in the neighborhood. The neighbor kids like to see him up there.

Bob standing in front of the retaining wall just to give you an idea of how high it is. (Bob is 6'6")

**After I published this post I decided to take the pups for a walk. On the way home some of the neighbors were outside and greeted Maddox with a "hey buddy we have not seen you in a while." They wanted to know how he was trained not to climb the wall. He's not, he now has the privledge of being attached to a 20 foot leash everytime he goes outside.

The climbing the wall does not scare me it is the jumping down from the wall that scares me. And the fact that there is a school just on the other side of the chain link fence. It still boggles my mind that he can scale an eight foot wall but has not figured out that he can jump over a three foot fence.**

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