Monday, August 4, 2008

Maddox at the Lake

Maddox's first trip to the lake.

Not to sure about this wet stuff.

Mia trying to convince her bro that he will have a ton of fun. He's not buying it.

Testing out the water. After this picture Bob gave Maddox some swim lessons. He held Maddox's belly while he got used to the water. It took him less than a minute before he was swimming around Bob.

Swimming towards me.

Wet Dog!

I did not capture the best moment at the lake. Maddox started to swim out towards Bob and then noticed some dogs on the shore. Bob is oblivious to the dogs and laughs as Maddox passes him until I yell "Dogs." This causes Maddox to swim a little faster while Bob is trying to run in the water to catch him. The best part was when Maddox was able to touch the ground and started to make a run for it causing Bob to dive for him. He managed to stop Maddox by grabbing his tail. Bob came away with a few scraps and bruises but all in all it was a fun time.

1 comment:

e fowler said...

awesome shots! wish i could have seen how you got eye level with your doggie in the water :)