Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Well I was going to write a nice little post but at 11:16am this morning I received the news. Bella just passed away. No, life is not fair.

This past August I was just reunited with Nena and her family. I was the twins birthday surprise. I went over to Bella's family house where they were decorating the house for the party the next day. Bella was the first one I saw. I'll never forget the smile and the hug I received when she first saw me.

I can remember numerous memories of us when we were younger. Lots of good time hanging out at Nena's house. Mempries that will hold a very special place in my heart.

She was the sweetest, most gracious person I have ever come across. I can't believe she is gone. It's not fair. She was diagnosed with Lupus several years ago. She never complained. Just as gracious as you could be. So sweet, so welcoming, so friendly, so pretty inside and out, so everything.

I just don't understand. 25 is just too young. Why? Why? Why? It's just not fair.

As I write this her family is still at the hospital. I have spent several Christmas' with this family and my heart just aches right now. There are presents for her to open. Her wedding was in May. It's just not fair.

I can see her right now dancing around heaven. Dancing with Our Father God. My faith is strong but my heart is breaking.

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