Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 6 and 7

Zac has had two relaxing days. He has spent his days napping, playing, and going for rides around the hospital.  His favorite thing to do is go to the gift shop for some Reece's miniature peanut butter cups.

Zane still has a fever and we've been in contact with his pediatrician.  We are hoping it breaks tonight.

Bob and I received some training today.  Training on his medicines, when to call, who to call, and all that stuff.

Tomorrow Zac receives another round of chemotherapy and another lumbar puncture.  It's still overwhelming everything that has happened in the past week.  Looking back we can tell he's been sick for a while.  Right now we are grateful his pediatrician decided to order a blood test.  We are grateful we have our little boy with us.  We know this is going to be a long road but we are choosing to be grateful in the midst of this storm.

Zane and Zoe making blueberry muffins yesterday morning. 

Zac playing with his gumboil machine yesterday.  Notice his collection of penguins is growing.

Zane last night watching a cooking show.

Zac this morning.  

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