Thursday, February 11, 2016


Yesterday I took Zac to the doctor because he hasn't been himself lately. The doctors agreed something wasn't right and ordered blood test. We went home and that evening they called with the results. We needed to get him to the ER immediately. Bob took him while I stayed home with Zane and Zoe. The diagnosis is Leukemia. They are still waiting on the test results and we should know a treatment plan soon.
Never in a million years did we think we would be walking this road. To say we are in shock is an understatement. I'll be using the blog to post updates and let everybody know what's going on.
We appreciate all prayers for Zac. We are standing firm on God's word.


resonating reflections said...

Standing with you and fighting alongside you!!!

Blaire said...

Sending love, light, thoughts and prayers to you during this difficult time.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry! 😞
I'll be following. Prayers for all of you!

Dawn Cottar

Marcy said...

You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I love you very much and we are here if you need us.

Unknown said...

Marty, I'm so sorry. Chin up - God's god this!

Marcy said...

You are all in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything that I can do, please let me know. Love you!!!