Friday, March 4, 2016

Day 22/Day 10

Zac had another round of chemo today and Zane also went in today for some blood work.  This was the first time both boys were in the clinic at the same time.  The nurses were pretty proud of themselves for being able to tell the boys apart.  The blood work for both boys came back good  neither boy needed any platelets or blood.  Zac is starting to have body aches and weakness but they told us that's a normal side effect for one of the drugs he's on.  Overall both boys are handling treatment very well.
Today Aunt Sharon left and tomorrow Kathy goes back home.  My mom arrives tomorrow and will be staying with us for two weeks.  We are hoping to have a low key weekend and enjoy a small break from the hospital.  Our next appointment isn't until Wednesday.

While waiting for blood work to come back, Zac had breakfast (hot dogs and cookies).  The doctors told us not to worry about what they eat as long as they eat, they need all the calories they can get.    

Zane was cracking Kathy (my MIL) and I up as we waited for our car.  He also thanked me for bringing him and his brother to the doctor.

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