Saturday, March 12, 2016

A little update

Yesterday was Zac's last day of Induction.  He will move onto Consolidation on March 22nd.  He gets next week off from the clinic.  Zane will be in the clinic twice next week (Monday and Wednesday) for two rounds of chemo.
Once again we are taking the weekend to relax.  Zoe and I are planning to go to church tonight.  She misses her teacher and her friends.

Ever since Zac has been home he has been asking to go to Target.  I asked the doctor on Wednesday when he would be able to go to Target.  She said his counts are looking good and as long as he wears a mask we can take him to Target.  Here he is with his penguin at the Starbucks inside of Target.  He was telling me he wanted to buy hot dogs with his gift certificate.  

Zoe playing with her baby.  She was getting ready to make it some food.

Zane is starting to experience the same aches that Zac did.  He likes to keep warm by wrapping himself in a towel.  The extra warmth provides some relief from the aches.

Zac in pre-op yesterday before his bone marrow biopsy.  He was watching Frozen and asking for hot dogs, french fries, and pizza.

After his procedure.  He's looking out the windows for my car.

Zac last night smiling away.  

Zac and Zoe this morning.  They were watching a show on the iPad and not happy about taking a picture so early in the morning.

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