While everything was going on with Zac, Zane was wide awake. Thankfully his nurse Jon told us he would watch Zane and for us to focus on Zac. The decision to intubate Zac didn't come until 6:00 am. Bob and I headed downstairs to be with Zane while they did that. Jon told us Zane didn't fall asleep until 4:30. He also put a do not disturb sign on the door so we could get some sleep. Bob headed upstairs to be with Zac while Zane and I slept.
After a few hours of sleep I went upstairs to see Zac. It was a shock to see him with tubes and wires everywhere but we know it's the best thing for him right now. When I got back down to Zane's floor the parent host told me she was going to watch Zane and I was going to go home for a little while. I didn't want to leave but I knew I needed a little break. On my little break my mom, Zoe, and I ran toTarget to get pizza making supplies for Zane.
Once I got back to the hospital Bob and I took turns with the boys.
We found out Zane had an ANC level of 100 and they started making plans for him to be discharged on Friday. Zac still had an ANC level of zero but his other numbers were starting to increase. Zac needed a little more sedation since he kept trying to rip out his breathing tube.
My mom and Zoe came up to the hospital and Bob went home for a few hours. Zoe had a blast playing in the playroom and I asked the Child Life team to do some role playing to prep her in case she wanted to see Zac. On Zane's floor they had a pizza and ice cream party. Zane walked in and saw nothing but Dominos pizza. He wasn't to happy about that since his current favorite pizza is Papa Johns. He left the Dominos rep know he wasn't pleased. He was happy once he saw the ice cream and toppings from Culver's.
After eating their food, Zoe was ready to see Zac. The Child Life Specialist came upstairs with us and she also let Zoe pick ou a beanie baby to give to Zac. She did pretty good seeing Zac and was able to explain to us that he has a tube in his throat that is giving him special air to help get the bad guys out of his lungs.
Zac had a rough evening and needed a little more help with his settings. They did tell us it would get a little worse once his ANC levels start to rise. He had a breathing treatment and they changed some of his sedation medications.
Zane's ANC level was 300 and he was discharged from the hospital. Zac's ANC level was a whopping 1100!! Now his body can start helping fight his infections. Zac spent the day resting while we packed up Zane's room. By late afternoon Zane and I were on our way home. When we got home the first thing Zane wanted to do was bake a cake. Zoe was glad to have one of her boys back. She told me she can't wait for Zac to get home so we can be a family again.
Saturday (today)
Zac's ANC level is 2100. Today is a day of rest for him. They lowered his vent setting this morning and they do not plan to lower anything until tomorrow.
Some pictures from the past week:
Zane with the pizza he made in the hospital.
Zoe with her pumpkin
Decisions, decisions!
You looking at me.
Zac after his bronchoscopy
Taking a walk.
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