Sunday, October 2, 2016

Weekend Update

Zane has had a good weekend. He's been fever free and his appetite is starting to return. He is now just waiting for his counts to recover so he can come home.

Zac spent Saturday morning sleeping but when he woke up he was in pain again. His doctor happened to be walking by his room. He came in and ordered a scan. That scan revealed infections in his lungs and bowels. They have started another antibiotic and have started giving him a low dose of morphine to help with the pain. He is also NPO (nothing by mouth). This is to give his bowels a rest. He is still having fevers but they are getting further and further apart.

Today Bob and I were able to spend some time with Zoe. She has been such a trooper.  

While I was at home I was able to upload some pictures of the past week to the blog.

Zac a week ago in the ER.

Zane with his Papa John's pizza

Zac sleeping

Zane decorating his cupcake.

Zac and mommy this morning.

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