Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Roller Coaster Ride Continues

Zac spent yesterday fighting fevers and napping.  We also found out he will be NPO for 7 days and he will be having daily abdominal X-rays. Infectious disease was also brought on to help the team determine the type of infection and how to treat it.  Respiratory was also brought on to help him with his breathing.

He had a rough night and then this morning his pulse ox dropped into the 80's. He was coughing so much he couldn't catch his breath. The rapid response team was called and we had a ton of doctors in the room.  The PICU team came down to evaluate him and so did pulmonary. They decided to do a bronchoscopy and they told us after the procedure he would most likely go to the PICU.  In the OR, where they did his procedure, he had another breathing and coughing episode.  After he stabilized they took him back.  While he was back there they also did an echo just to take a look at how his heart is handling all of this.

We got the page to go to recovery and found out he didn't need to go to the PICU.  We were pleasantly surprised and grateful.  He is currently resting and getting oxygen while the anesthesia drugs wear off.

Zane is still waiting for his counts to recover.  They have started switching his meds from IV to oral in preparation of him going home.  Both boys still have zero ANC levels.

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