Monday, October 20, 2008

Not Me Monday

It's time again for "Not Me" Monday hosted by MckMama.

I did not forget to call my grandmother on her birthday even after my sister called me to remind me. And when Terry called to remind me about grandma's birthday she also reminded my that my brother's birthday was on Friday. I did not forget to call him on his birthday. Nope, not me.

I did not share my "marshmallow square" with Mia the pup. People food is not good for puppies and I would never give her people food. Not me.

I did not move all of the furniture into one corner only to realize the cleaner was in the bathroom. The bathroom door was blocked by all of the furniture. Then, I did not move all the furniture back to the other side of the room just so I could get the cleaner. Not me, I'm more organized that that!

I did not in one day eat a corny dog, nachos, a turkey leg, ice cream cone, and cotton candy. Who would so much bad stuff in one day? (Only once a year at the State Fair.)

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